Birding 101: Hints and Tips for New Birders
I wrote this book specifically for the new birder or the person who’s become interesting in birdwatching but hasn’t yet decided if they want to get serious about it. It compiles many of the things I learned as a new birder, and tries to answer many of the questions I was asked during my time leading groups for Santa Clara Valley Audubon and running their online reporting list South Bay Birds.
If you are new to birdwatching or know someone who’s interested in birds and are curious about the idea of joining the birding community, then download and read this book. I hope it will help answer questions you have about the birding lifestyle and why we do some of the things we do, and shorten your learning curve to becoming a better birder yourself.
It is available both as an online version and as a PDF you can download and read on any of your devices.
And if you have questions about birds or birding, please drop me an email and ask. I’m happy to help if I can.
My Writing on Birding

For older pieces I’ve written about birding, please check out my complete blog archives.