Why I moved to Washington

Looking at these caught my attention this morning, and I realized it summarized nicely a big part of the reason we moved from Silicon Valley to kinda rural Washington. Here’s a clip of the front page of the Washington Post this morning:

Here’s the front page of the local newspaper this morning:

There’s just a bit of difference in tone, you think? And that summarizes well this area: it’s quieter and more laid back. It’s less intense. It is, I think, overall more positive in attitudes without, as will happen if we head into the more rural areas around here turned MAGA territory.

This doesn’t mean I can ignore the greater world, but out here I don’t feel like I’m dog-paddling madly just to keep my nose out of the water.

Chuq Von Rospach

Birder, Nature and Wildlife Photography in Silicon Valley


The Shop (a first look)


Feathery Friday: Purple Martin in Flight