More Bald Eagles
I was able to get out to Seabeck again to spend time with the Bald Eagles. The number of eagles that are showing up is increasing, I counted at least 13 this visit. The trick is to keep an eye on the tides and get there on a decreasing tide about 3 foot headed towards zero or negative. Once the location gets close to 0, the birds tend to be pretty far out so photography can be iffy, but in the 3->1.5 foot range, they’re often close enough to get some good images. On this trip, the skies were mostly cloudy with blue patches, and it was intermittently spitting, but never quite decided to rain — and the light was gorgeous.
And the birds cooperated, with lots of arguing and the occasional attempt to steal another bird’s fish, plus one occasion where an eagle went hunting after a gull, which was not amused (but got away).
So a good time was had by all, but the gull…
I came away with >600 raw images. Editing brought that down to 38 final images, which is a really large number