Black and White
I cut my teeth on black and white photography back in the film days, and it’s a form of processing I love and need to practice more.
This kind of image form relies heavily on structure and composition, and removing teh color and remove distractions that I find often improve an image. It’s good practice for helping see the form of an image, even if the final image is going to be in color, but I’m surprised how often I find I prefer the monochrome image as my favorite.
Farm Building, California
Winter Yosemite Falls
Yosemite National Park
Olympic National Park
Harbor Seal
Grand Tetons National Park
Elephant Seal
Bison mom and calf
Firehole Spring, Yellowstone National Park
Yosemite Falls, California
Hibiscus Macro
Yellowstone National Park
Tufted Puffin
Winter Yosemite Falls, California
Half Dome, Yosemite National Park
Grand Tetons National Park
Morro Bay Harbor
Mule Deer
Olympic National Park
Red-tailed Hawk on a kill
White-breasted Nuthatch
Dark-eyed Junco
Downy Woodpecker