Best of the Year: 2023
2023 was the year I turned 65 and retired in July. Prior to that, work kept me busy as I was setting things up to be ready for whoever ended up taking over my tasks. Despite retiring, I didn’t get out with the camera as much as I hoped for various reasons, so I added the fewest new images to my library. Many of those images are, I think, quite good, so if I’m a bit disappointed in the quantity, 2023’s quality was quite good. I could have almost filled up this gallery with bald eagle images from a magical shoot I had in the spring.

California Towhee
Acorn Woodpecker
Dark-Eyed Junco
Stellar's Jay
Red-Breasted Nuthatch
Spotted Towhee
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker (Red-Shafted)
Pileated Woodpecker
Cooper's Hawk